While I should be writing

Brighton: Jane Austen cannot have visited City Books

Brighton for me is the place where Lydia Bennet got into trouble. Jane Austen did not like Brighton. She once wrote in a letter to Cassandra: “I assure you that I dread the idea of going to Brighton as much as you do, but I am not without hopes that something may happen to prevent it”. And then: “Here I am once more in this scene of dissipation and vice, and I begin already to find my morals corrupted.”

Well, all I can say is that she obviously never visited City Books. It is a charming bookshop in a charming town (perhaps more so now that the Prince Regent is no longer here), regularly organizing literary events and in general selling great books.

Their recommendation: We were liars by e. lockhart. I also got a lovely postcard to be able to write them and tell them what I thought about it, although I think I’ll have to get a Swedish one to do that, because I’m definitely not sending this postcard back to them.

Definitely not parting with this postcard.