While I should be writing

Eygle Eye bookshop and a real signing table

My first stop in Georgia, though, wasn’t FoxTale Book Shoppe, but Eagle Eye Bookshop in Decatur. It was the first thing I saw, did and experience in Georgia, and what an experience it was!

The bookshop was lovely, and only our tight schedule prevented me from buying several books there. Also, I was distracted by the signing table.

“Let’s go to the signing table, and you can sign the books over there”, said Jamille of Eagle Eye Bookshop, and she was certainly right it being a signing table.

Have you ever seen anything so lovely?

Ps. The amazing Jamilla also recommended Community Q Barbeque for lunch, so I am eternally obliged to her. We would never have found it without her, and what a tragedy that would have been.