While I should be writing

I talk with the amazing and charming Lucy Dillon about dogs, books, writing feel good and princess cake

Lucy Dillon, of course, is this absolutely charming and clever and funny person who writes excellent feel good novels that somehow often involve dogs. I’ve loved her books for years, so naturally I was thrilled and a little terrified to get to speak with her in this podcast, Speaking of Stories, that brings together one Swedish author and one international author visiting Sweden.

I had of course thought about a lot of things that could go wrong, the main one being that we would have nothing to talk about. Having nothing to talk about would have been increadibly awkward seing as how we began with a two hour lunch, followed by a one and a half hour of recorded conversation (eventually cut to a more reasonable 35 minutes), followed by another conversation in a bookshop.

Fortunately, Lucy Dillon is almost as talkative as I am and quite a bit much more charming and experienced. I could probably have contiuned talking to her for hours, so it is perhaps good that there was a producer involved who kept us on track and made sure we eventually stopped.

You can listen to the podcast here (where you’ll also find other episodes)
