While I should be writing

Nobody’s perfect

It’s good to be reminded of this simple fact in life, that none of us is perfect. Not even Lathea, as I was reminded forcefully yesterday.

Lathea, the organizational wonder who’s put together my beautiful Schedule and then makes sure I get to the right place at the right time and ends up at the right gate on O’Hare. It’s difficult to believe that even she is human, but there you have it. She is.

I was telling her about the great coffee place I found in Decorah, but I never got very far. I had barely began it, telling her about the difficult decision between Americano and just regular, drip coffee.

“Drip coffee?” said Lathea.
Naturally, I assumed I’d used the wrong word. “Filter coffee? Regular coffee? What do you call it?”
“I have no idea”, said Lathea. “I don’t drink coffee. The day I have to make coffee for a meeting is the day I get in serious trouble.”

Not only you, I thought. Also the people at the meeting.

But I forgave her, of course, since it’s what friends do, and besides, perfect people are very boring.
