While I should be writing

Stepford Writers

I have been surprisingly effective these last couple of days, often spending as much as three or even four hours writing. This in itself is not worrying.

For example, today I have:
– Written for about four hours
– Made lunch
– Answered questions from American book bloggers
– Bought dental floss
– Used dental floss (!!!!)

I did all of this without really thinking about it, until I sort of woke up and realized I was standing in the bathroom, calmly cleaning out the bathroom cabinet.

What has happened to me, I thought, terrified. Am I suddenly living in some frightening version of the Stepford Writers?

If I wake up tomorrow and look great, dressed in great-looking clothes and with suddenly perfect hair, someone will have to stage an intervention.

PS. No need to worry today: my hair is all over the place and I’m dressed in an old pair of jeans and a thick and equally old sweater.
