While I should be writing

The week before last’s news

As a writer, I tend to come up with lots of ideas for how not to spend time writing. A blog is of course a very basic first step to avoid your novel (perhaps only beaten by Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, Coincidently you can also find me there). One of the less smart ideas was to have two blogs – one in English, one in Sweden. I’m not very good at working consistently on a project over time (I exceed in the first weeks, that magical burst of inspiration, and then I tire). This, I admit, does not speak well for my ability to write an entire book, but I usually trick myself into thinking about it as a couple of hundred tiny projects that eventually ends up in one big one.

Anyway. The two blogs have never been a great success. I’ve blogged in English (mainly about bookshops), and ignored the Swedish part. I’ve blogged in Swedish (mainly about killing all my plants and/or other everyday challenges for a full-time writer) and ignored the English part. I’ve sat in the sofa reading books and ignored both the blogs. I guess in the end it will balance out somehow.

This means that I am appallingly late with some great news: The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend was on the New York Times Bestseller list (Place 15 out of 15 on the Trade Paperback section)! It’s a miracle. Or it was, two weeks ago, when it happened.

For me, The New York Times Bestseller, are magical words that appear on paperbacks by American authors (Lee Child, John Grisham). And apparently they bestow a sort of identity on the authors. More than just nice news, I can now claim that it’s part of who I am. I am A New York Times Bestselling Author.

I am also a #1 Denver Post Bestselling Author, although that is perhaps a more local honor. It means almost as much to me; it’s the bookshop Tattered Covers Book Store (I love that name. It’s just as well I didn’t know about it when I wrote my book, or I might have “borrowed” it). They appear to be hand-selling my book with great success, and it makes it all so much fun, to think that local independent bookshops like my book.

Photo evidence to prove my new identity: