While I should be writing

Watermark at Kings Cross: Leaving London (and my books!)

Parting with books is such a sweet sorrow! Before leaving London for the rest of my epic UK bookshops-tour, I had to drop by Louise at the Random House office and leave her some of the books bought so far.

Then I consoled myself by heading to Kings Cross and buying new ones. Watermark on Kings Cross, perhaps the msot happily situated bookshop on the country – right next to platform 9 3/4. As one person on Twitter said: “It’s the best part about Kings Cross.”

It is always a sign of excellent taste when a bookseller recommends a book you’ve already read and loved. Here, it was Watching the English, the book that helped me master Brittish weather conversations.

His next suggestion: Henry Marsch Do no harm – stories of life, death and brain surgery.

Oh, what a sad feeling, leaving (almost) all my books behind! But at least I'll have something to look forward to when I go back to Sweden and find them all waiting for me