While I should be writing

The Jane Austen Centre

Naturally, I couldn’t come to Bath and not visit the Jane Austen Centre.

Although to be perfectly honest I’m not really sure what I thought about it. In a way, it’s like a (very small) Disney World for Jane Austen lovers: all the employees and guides walking around in costumes (there’s even a dressing station where you can try out the clothes of the time yourself, including the bonnets, of course. I chose not to). And there’s a gift shop, of course, filled with the things one needed at the time: old faschioned pens, old letter paper, refrigerator magnets and phone covers…

I couldn’t resist, including a Pride and Prejudice phone cover, but afterwards I felt slightly … dirty.

And that was before I even visted the bathroom. Heaven and earth! Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?